Scam ad from Facebook

screenshot taken 2020 03 01

it can be in different language or different title, but this time we can see this

after clincking this scam ad got tranfered to this site

i dont read the all the crap, but its using scam page templet so this is nothing new, in the end you can fine fake facebook comments, i tryed to comment, but no its not working. this scam is based on affiliat link to this site pleaes dotn clik on it

fake site after fake site, and main problem is that facebook is not doing anything, this is the problem i think facebook should take responsibility, for fake ads like this, becouse its a lot of tehm on facebook and people is loosing money, facebook and scammer is making money. SAD

and if you try to register you will get to one more scam site

plese be safe on the net and good luck

rel broker

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