Scam site and review ( same site just different domains ).

After my friend lost his money i was wondering how is difficult to find more scam trading sites, sadlly but it was very easy, and by method i was using to find them it seems that they are created by the same group. they riiping legit sites o just using themes. all of them are using tawko to chat. sadlly for

so as allway i will start from RED FLAGS

  • No proper contact infomation only by email or for fnance company it have to be tranperant
  • No company registration or licence number just fake dokument image ( issed not for that company )
  • Minimum account deposot 350 other sites 300
  • if you ske them to send registration number of the company they will not talk to you
  • no coocies notice 🙂 all legal bussines must have it
  • all social links not active ( fake )
  • you can find information in FAQ that it is posible to trade over phone but where is no phone number provided they compied text from real companys
  • Company number 11445991 you can chek it it is Dissolved they using fake or not working copmpany information to fool people.
  • they claaim that is 100 % guarantee that ou will not lose but only gain. its not how it works in market. 95 % of people are losing money. that the fact
  • One more there is no information about trading platform prices, term and conditions
  • no need to preef your identity
  • no need to comfirm your email adress
  • Domain names registrant protected by WhoisGuard, Inc.

straight after registration account is verified

jus add money thats it

They claim that you will get 100 000 bonus if tou invest 10 000 do not belive it just run away

they using widgets for sad that they are not cheking sites thats very bad

the same story is with they just helping scammers by not cheking sites

IF YOU KNOW SCAMMER SITES PEASE share in comments bellow

Hosted in USA

Scam site review

One more scam site.

screenshot taken 2020 02 25


One evening one of my friends call me and ask me to check this site, he was in with ( 4000 € ) this company for just a few days and they claimed that he allredy earned 3750 €.

I will start with red falgs.

1 .domain danem ending .org, for tranding company? no way.

2. no license or company registration name.

3. links nort working ( even in main page )

4. information not upadated from 2018?

screen shot taken 2020 02 25

5. no cantact information. as you can see contact email even do not belongs to web site. at the momen i am writing this page is hidden but you can get to it using this link:

6.Certificate is issued by cPanel for finance company? no


7. Text is compied from other website ( ) the site is ripped.

8. No need any documents for registration, no ID or passport no proof of address, just give money.

9. you have to transfare money using bitcoins. ( real tranperancy )

10. website is hosted in nigeria

11. Nameserver is in NIGERIA . company is called

12. Domain holder is hiding ( Privacy Protect, LLC ( )

13. main traffinc is from GHANA near nigeria ( i think that is admins )


Whey are looking people in forums and social groups whose main topic is bitcoins tading, you ca see something liek “i can teach you how to trade”, “i am a broker” or manger,

First they will try to close up with you and they will show how good they are at money moaking with fake information like we have AI bots in trading, they cost a lot of money, or i am dooing this for years you can trust me, and so on.

what i did

i tryed to contact TAWKO.IO they using this service in website ( waiting for answer ) they have to have theyr IPS and android ir apple phones ids

i contacted webhosting company they asking for proof ( not friendly ) i started to think maybe they are working together

One of theyr instagram accounts

cheap way to buy metro: exodus

Cheap way to buy METRO: EXODUS

epic store is very new and at the moment you can buy metro exodus just for 26 euros but in russia and SNG

BUY metro exodus for 26 euro

if you need info about easy activaton just write in comments


The first day edition includes:
DVD in a plastic box.
Exclusive poster.
Digital artbook and soundtrack.
It is time to return to the oppressive atmosphere of the world buried under radioactive dust. The continuation of the famous shooter about a nuclear apocalypse and people who survived the disaster was named Metro: Exodus and will tell you a new story of Artyom, who left the chamber dungeons of the Moscow metro and went in search of a new home.

The release of the licensed game from 4A Games is scheduled for February 15, 2019. Now Artyom will have to face the horrors of the surface in the open world, which seems to bring us back to the universe of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Metro: Exodus starts right after the events of Metro: Last Light and again offers you to wear an anti-radiation suit and dress in the skin of Artyom – the main character of the series and the book Metro 2033. Getting out of the cramped subway corridors, he sets off on a tour of post-nuclear Russia hoping to find a new home for myself and my wife Anna. Despite the danger of this undertaking, Artem decides that nothing can stop him on his way to the east: neither a harsh nuclear winter, nor the danger of a deceased world inhabited by madmen.

Pre-order Metro: Exodus Now and get ready to go. Fly with a breeze on a train through the Russian wastelands and become the first to overcome the nuclear winter and the terrible mutants who flooded the cities and the once flowering steppes.

Key Metro Features: Exodus:
Learn. Before you open spaces of our vast country, which can be traveled from edge to edge on the train “Aurora”. Do not be afraid to go beyond the safe car, because who knows, maybe you will not only find useful components in the wasteland, but also meet people who also survived the disaster.
Survive. Outside the metro there are no less dangerous opponents. Mutants, gangsters, crazy – find an approach to everyone, learn, survive on nuclear spaces with an impressive arsenal of weapons.
Listen up Traveling through the whole of Russia, you will meet a lot of people and hear a lot of stories. Metro plot: The outcome will not leave indifferent neither the fans of the series nor the newcomers of the genre.
Experiment. A non-linear adventure awaits you in the atmosphere of a new world destroyed by war. Only the fate of Artyom and his companions depends on you – your actions will affect what awaits them in the future.

Resedent evil crack

the list of not real and / or dangerous   Cracks from unknown sources


at this moment no unknown cracks if you know one please type in comments to help others gamers

Kaip moterys pasirenka, su kuriais vyrais susitikinėti?

Moterys, būkite nuoširdžios, – jei susitikinėtumėte tik su tais vyrais, kurie atitinka jūsų ilgą reikalavimų sąrašą, tikriausiai būtumėte vienišos. Tad kaip iš tiesų moterys pasirenka, su kuriais vyrais susitikinėti, o kuriems griežtai pasakyti „ne“?

Visi vyrai žino, kad iš tiesų ne vyrai renkasi moteris, o moterys renkasi vyrus. Tačiau jei paklaustumėte moters, kokio vyro ji ieško, turėtumėte išklausyti ilgą sąrašą savybių, kurias privalo turėti jos išrinktasis. Puikus humoro jausmas, vidinis ir išorinis grožis, stabili finansinė padėtis, pomėgis keliauti, įdomiai leisti laisvalaikį, mokėjimas stebinti… Tai tik kelios iš moterų trokštamų savybių, kuriomis pasižymi tikrai nedaug vyrų. Dažnai tas pačias moteris, vardinusias savo kriterijus, matome su arogantiškas, nemandagiais vyrukais, kurie neturi brangaus automobilio ir net pastovaus darbo. Šiuolaikinis paprastas vyrukas savaitgalius leidžia prie televizoriaus ir nuperka mylimai moteriai gėlių tik ypatingomis progomis. Tokie vaikinai turi merginas, sužadėtines ir net žmonas, nors nėra „svajonių jaunikiai“.


Įvairūs vyriški portalai praneša „Ko nori moterys?“ pataria netikėti moterų žodžiais, nes tikruosius dailiosios lyties atstovių jausmus rodo jų veiksmai. Moterys sako: „Visi geri vyrai užimti“, nors pažįsta daugybę vienišų vyrų. Kodėl? Jos bando pasakyti, kad tie vyrai turi antrąsias puses, kurie atitinka jų kriterijus. Galima išskirti kelias moterų grupes. Vienos pamiršta savo kriterijus ir draugauja su paprastais, jas mylinčiais vaikinais, o kitos laukia tik „Pono Šauniojo“ – gražaus ir pasiturinčio.

Mokslininkas Robertas Triversas atliko tyrimus, kad išsiaiškintų, kaip moteris veikia vyrų finansinė padėtis ir perspektyvos. Savanorių grupė turėjo išsirinkti vaikinus iš nuotraukų ir trumpo aprašo. Vieni vaikinai buvo apibūdinti kaip perspektyvūs, kiti kaip pasiturintys, o treti – dirbo pastovius, paprastų profesijų darbus. Savanorės nekreipdamos dėmesio į išvaizdą 2-3 kartus dažniau rinkosi tuos vaikinus, kurie buvo apibūdinti, kaip „pasiturintys“ arba „perspektyvūs“ savo srities specialistai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad moterims iš tiesų rūpi ne vyrų išvaizda, ne reali materialinė padėtis, o statusas. Moterys nenori tekėti už gerai uždirbančio santechniko, bet mielai tekėtų už perspektyvaus finansininko.

Vėliau R. Trivesas atliko dar vieną tyrimą. Jis įvairios išvaizdos vyrus aprengė keturiais skirtingais stiliais: laisvalaikio (džemperis, džinsai, sportbačiai), kasdieniniu (džinsai ir marškiniai), darbo („Burger King“ darbuotojo drabužiais) ir oficialiu (kostiumas, kaklaraištis, brangus laikrodis). Moterys buvo prašomos išsirinkti, su kuriais vyrais, jos norėtų susipažinti. Dauguma moterų, be abejonės, rinkosi oficialiai apsirengusių vyrų nuotraukas ir nė viena nepasirinko darbines uniformas dėvinčių vyrų. Panašūs tyrimai atlikti su vyrais parodė, kad stipriosios lyties atstovai didžiausią dėmesį skiria seksualumui (bet nebūtinai demonstruojamam atvirai). R. Trivesas taip komentavo savo tyrimo rezultatus: „Tyrimai parodė, kad moterys renkasi vyrus pagal jų statusą, tačiau norint sukurti sėkmingus santykius reikia ieškoti tokio vyro, su kuriuo galėtumėte būti neišskiriami mylimieji ir geriausi draugai – tiesiog puikūs partneriai. Partnerį būtina pažinti, nes drabužiai ar statusas neparodo, koks žmogus yra iš tiesų“.



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Hot news on Hitman 2 crack

Hi guys,

i have very exiciting new about Hitman 2 ( 2018 ) game crack. cous it was just announced that it was crkacked by team FCKDRM. You can just search for more info on your favorite browser and search engine and probably you will get around how to download it to you PC.


good luck and thank you all


Hitman.2.Build.1.0.PROPER-FCKDRM this is the latest known crack name