scamm from Facebook ad

Today then we love in Social marketing era, a lot of scams you can find in facebook, or instagram this is the main two channels how scammers ir looking for potentional victims. You can better target your main audience, by age, sex, interests. Thats why scammers so loves facebook ads.

I think facebook robots knows i like to check scammer sites thats why i see lots of scam ads on my timeline 🙂 and i allways pressing the ad to check. Today i am going to show one of them

screenshot taken 2020 03 01

I am going to start from red flag

  1. sorry I reported ad before taking screenshot, my mistake.
  2. after pressing ad you can see this image:

they faking the guardian news page under fake domain,

the main photo with elon musk is taken from interview from cnn

the whole article is talking about making money using scam how good it is how easy is to make money do nothing. It is standart scam article, sadlly that facebook dont use AI to stop ads like this.

it is not the first time i see this, all links except create account is not working. in the page you can find lots of icos, legal companys logos, but you can get any outband link.

there is no Contacts page. no phone number email, or live chat,

After registration you will get redirect to

no identity verifiation just create account and fund. it is now how it works in legal way.

one more step is to press account funding

by pressing this button we will get to this site:

About this page i will write in next article

If you whant Legal tranding please go and check this links

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